

Sometimes I write about code & tech in the AEC industry.
Co-founder of Speckle.
Formerly Arup, Foster+Partners, WeWork, CASE Inc.

BCFier: the new Free BCF Plugin for Autodesk Revit

What was known as the free “BCF Plugin for Revit” has now a new name (like it or not), interface and features. I could finally find the time to update it and give it some love.

Say hi to the BCFier!


DISCLAIMER: Please mind that is tool is being released by me personally as it started from my master thesis and is not related to CASE, the company I work for. CASE released a Free BCF Exporter for Navisworks that you can check out, you can also always contact CASE if you want a custom BCF tool or so (they are cool guys!).

Download BCFier »

BCFier includes a Revit addin and a Windows app to manage BCF files. The current version of BCFier (1.0) is being released as BETA, please report any bug and feedback to: hello@teocomi.com. Below the main new features:

New interface


Support for 2D Views in Revit

2D views support

Any 2D view in Revit is now supported: plans, elevations, sections, details, renders, sheets… Please mind that this feature is not compatible with other applications that handle BCF files!

Merge BCF files

Merge BCFs

Merge two or more BCF files together, new issues and comments will be added avoiding duplicates and will be highlighted.

2014-07-23 20_19_55-BCFier for Windows

Tabbed Interface

Tabbed interface

A new tabbed interface will allow you to have more than one BCF files open at the same time. Simply drag and drop the files on BCFier or use the Open menu button and select more than one BCF.

Set to Select or Isolate on opening a View

Select/Isolate on open

You can now chose the default behaviour with attached elements when opening a view, either select or isolate them. If you select them then you can use the free COINS Auto-Section Box for Revit to automatically create a section box around them (thanks @Jbenoit44 for the tip).

Check for Updates

Check for updates

Now a friendly pop-up will alert you if a new version is available, no more need to follow me on twitter ;)

Support for Revit 2015 and 2014

Both versions will be available in the installer.

Improved algorithms

Code and algorithms have been improved, cleaned and optimized.


In order to avoid confusion, the installer and versioning of BCFier will be different from the BCF Plugin for Revit (that will be discontinued). It is therefore recommended to uninstall any version of the BCF Plugin for Revit if installed.

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