In WPF, the ProgressBar control is a great control for showing the progress of an operation. If you have already used it in a non Revit context, you probably know that in order to update the UI during a lengthy task you need to have this logic on a different thread than the main one.
But the Revit API cannot be used in multithreading.
If you try to set up a BackgroundWorker or a second thread to accomplish you long lasting operation, you will most likely end up having Revit to crash without notice.
A simple solution to allow the ProgressBar to update is the use of a Dispatcher:
//set up a delegate
private delegate void ProgressBarDelegate();
//long busy loop
private void CreateAThousandBuildings()
progressBar.IsIndeterminate = false;
progressBar.Maximum = 1000;
progressBar.Minimum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
progressBar.Dispatcher.Invoke(new ProgressBarDelegate(UpdateProgress), DispatcherPriority.Background);
//Create a Building...
//update the progress bar
private void UpdateProgress()
progressBar.Value += 1;