Starting a transaction from an external application running outside of API context is not allowed.
If you got here by googling the error above you are in the right place. …
BIM Collaboration Format 2.0 (BCF)
This is a follow up to my post on BIM Collaboration Format. I’ve gathered here some information found online, special thanks to Lars Bjørkhaug and Rasso Steinmann on LinkedIn. …
Fastboot Xperia drivers on Windows 8
If you have updated to Windows 8 you might have had difficulties installing Fastboot and adb drivers for Xperia devices, here a way to do it thanks to aslike2 on XDA: …
GreenSpider - The Autodesk Revit point clouds plugin
Revit Add-In Manager - External Tools
I always forget how and where to get the Revit Add-In Manager, that “External tools” ribbon in your Add-Ins tab. Essential tool if you want to debug your Add-In without restarting Revit each time. It is as simple as it follows: …
BIM Collaboration Format (BCF)
BCFier - Now OpenSource!
BCF has moved! Check out the new dedicated website: http://bcfier.com/ …
Revit API 2013 IfcProject Guid in C#
Using Revit API version 2013 in order to get the IfcGuid of the current project it is possible to use the following code: …
Revit API 2013 get UniqueId from IfcGuid and from Guid
As you can read from Jeremy’s blog there is not a straight way to convert an IfcGuid or a normal Guid to Revit’s UniqueId. But given an UniqueId it is possible to convert it to the two other formats. So a way to find out the UniqueId related to a specific IfcGuid or Guid is to check all Revit’s elements. …
360 VR Panorama Workflow
I’ve been asked many times how I do take these panorama. If you google 360x180, virtual reality, equirectangular panorama, spherical panorama and so on you will find many different tutorials. Each method depends on the result you want to achieve, your equipment and your own preference. Following the key steps of my workflow, the main stages are three: …